Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Classy Natural Light

I know a lot of people down natural light, but I'm going to go another route and praise it for its many great qualities. Let’s take a look at five pros of drinking a cold, crisp and refreshing natural light.

1. Natural light is by far the cheapest beer served on the domestic market today.
2. It is readily available at all gas stations, groceries stores, and bars.
3. This is for all my fellow college students: think about all the times you go out and its free beer after cover, guess what you’re drinking...of course its natural light. Maybe you met some hot girl or got into a badass bar fight. Guess how you did it? All that free natural light of course!
4. If you drink natural light out in public, it shows you are a confident person and don't care if people think your trashy and cheap.
5. If you enjoy sport and you are any sort of a man, then you enjoy a great intense game of beer pong. I would have to say 95% of the beer pong I’ve been involved in (way too much) have all been played with natural light.

Basically, natural light creates many memories that will last you a lifetime. When you’re young, you’re going to try and buy inexpensive beer and have a great time. Natural light has created some of my best moments in life and I shall forever profess my dying love for it. I passed the test and I am natural light connoisseur. I suggest you do the same